
Using your answers from parts b and c, what are the ages of the brother and sister, respectively?

Accepted Solution

The ages of the brother and sister as obtained from the equations are :Brother, b = 10 years Brother, b = 10 years Sister, s = 20 years The complete version of the question is attached below :Given that :The sum of the ages of the brother and sister = 30Let :Age of brother = bAge of sister = sMathematically, b + s = 30 - - - (1) (3 times sisters age) - (4 times brothers age) = 20Mathematically, 3s - 4b = 20 - - - (2)Using both equations, we can obtain the values of b and s From (1)Isolating s ;s = 30 - b - - - (3)Put (3) as s in (2) ; 3(30 - b) - 4b = 2090 - 3b - 4b = 20- 7b = 20 - 90-7b = - 70b = 10From (1):b + s = 3010 + s = 30s = 30 - 10s = 20Hence, b = 10 ; s = 20Learn more :