
Neil sells cars at World-O-Wheels and earns a base salary of $225 per week plus 6% commission on his car sales. Geddy sells cars at YYZ Auto and earns a base salary of $150 per week plus 8% commission on his car sales. What total dollar value of cars do Neil and Geddy each need to sell in order for them to earn the same amount of money in any given week? I will choose the best answer as brainiest!

Accepted Solution

Answer:Neil and Geddy each need to sell $3,750 in order to earn the same amount of money in any given weekStep-by-step explanation:Lety -----> total amount of money earned per weekx ----> cars sales per weekwe know thatWorld-O-Wheels (Neil)[tex]y=0.06x+225[/tex] -----> equation AYYZ Auto (Geddy)[tex]y=0.08x+150[/tex] -----> equation BSolve the systemEquate equation A and equation B[tex]0.08x+150=0.06x+225[/tex]Solve for x[tex]0.08x-0.06x=225-150[/tex][tex]0.02x=75[/tex][tex]x=\$3,750[/tex]thereforeNeil and Geddy each need to sell $3,750 in order to earn the same amount of money in any given week