
An artifact is discovered at a certain site. if it has 59% of the carbon-14 it originally contained, what is the approximate age of the artifact to the nearest year? (carbon-14 decays at the rate of 0.0125% annually.)\",[{""content"":""0.59 \u00a0= (1 - 0.000125)^^x \u00a0 \u00a0where x = \u00a0number of years of decay<br \/><br \/>ln 0.59 \u00a0= x ln(0.999875)<br \/><br \/>x = 4221 \u00a0to nearest year""}

Accepted Solution


The approximate age<\/strong> of the artifact is 0.059 years<\/strong><\/p>



An exponential function<\/strong> is in the form:<\/p>

y = ab\u02e3<\/strong><\/p>

where y